Home Address: Phone:
City: Zip:
E-mail Address:
Bachelor's Degree: Institution: Major: Year:
Do you have a teaching certificate?
If your answer is YES, what level and content area? (if you have more than one certificate, list all certificates) 1st certificate: level content area: 2nd certificate: level content area: 3rd certificate: level content area:
Have you taught any of the following (with or without a certificate): Elementary, Middle School, or High School? If so, please list which ones.
Subjects you have taught:
Please list the college mathematics courses you have taken.
Which courses are you interested in taking during Winter 2004? Algebra Connenctions Calculus Connections Data Analysis & Probability Connections Geometry Connections
Are you interested in possibly taking future outreach courses during the academic terms (FS2004, WS2005) and/or during the coming summer (SS2004)? If so, please list which semesters.
Funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation.
For further information, contact Project Director--Ira J. Papick E-mail: